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GHG Management

Greenhouse Gases Emissions

In face of increasing global warming, the Company deeply understands the importance of greenhouse gases management. Thus, the WANG -TIEN FACTORY has voluntarily filed for the greenhouse gases emissions each quarter since 2014. We get hold of the sources and characteristics of the greenhouse gases emissions and aim to do better in self-management for energy saving and carbon reduction. Based on the emission source inventory steps, find the activities and facilities for possible GHGs emissions. List and decide whether they are in the scope of inventory.
The Company conducted the 2022 GHG inventory according to the ISO14064-1:2018 principles:

Organizational and Reporting Boundaries

  • Organizational boundary: The Company adopts an operational control approach to define the organizational inventory boundary.
  • Inventory boundary: Including all management processes and facilities of the Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Biological Factory, and Dadu Factory  and the Zhangbin Plant of the Sinon Corporation, with the following main contents:
    1. Manufacture of crop protection and plastic products.
    2. Public amenities: Office area, lounge area, employee cafeteria, employee dormitory, and warehouse.
  • Type of GHG Inventory: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, and NF3.
  • GHG information for the period: 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
  • The selected GHG emission factors are based on the latest emission factors published by the IPCC, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, or other competent authorities.
    • Direct emissions: Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Table (6.0.4), EPA.
    • Indirect emissions:
      • Electricity emission factor is 0.495 kgCO2e/kwh (Announced by Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2023).
      • The secondary database has Carbon Footprint Information Platform, SimPro9.3.
    • The IPCC 2021 AR6 GWP values are applied in this inventory.

Organizational and Reporting Boundaries
In order to enhance the credibility of 2022 GHG inventory information and report, and to improve the quality of the data, we have appointed a third-party independent organization, “SGS Taiwan Ltd.” to verify the GHG inventory.
【GHG Verification Statement】

  • Scope of verification: Same as the scope of the inventory.
  • The verification has followed ISO 14064-1:2018 Guidance for Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
  • Verification assurance levels: Reasonable assurance levels for category 1 and category 2, and limited assurance levels for category 3 till category 6.
Unit: tCO2e
Year 2021 2022
Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions  6,354.3736 12,737.7913
Scope 2: Indirect GHG emission-Imported energy 19,878.0000 22,959.3724
Scope 3: Other indirect GHG emission --- 46,358.768
Note 1: The 2021 GHG emissions have not been verified by third-party. 
Unit: tCO2e
Base Year 2020
2021 2022 Target Year 2025
Scope 1 & Scope 2
GHGs Emissions Volume
15,545.20 15,971.40 17,190.03 Reduction of GHG emissions by 5%
from the base year
Increases or decreases % from the Base Year --- 2.7% 10.3%  
Note 1: The 2020~2021 GHG emissions have not been verified by third-party.
Note 2: The above table does not include GHG emissions from public amenities (employee dormitory and warehouse).

Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Promotion

Increase Energy Use Efficiency
The energy intensity decreased from 28.6 (GJ/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2021 to 20.29 (GJ/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2022.
  • Implement the energy and electricity saving plan,the annual electricity saving rate reaches 2.23%
  • Improve wastewater treatment efficiency. Effluent quality meets the standard and reduction rate is 19% 
  • Optimized old furnaces and purchased economizers and new burners for replacements to reduce the consumption of natural gas. 
  • Establish a heating value database of waste in each plant and match the waste treatment according to the heating value to reduce the use of natural gas. 
  • Processing the waste sludge derived from wastewater through pressure filtration to lower the sludge moisture rate by eliminating free moisture, and thus decreasing natural gas consumption for sludge conditioning.
  • The waste heat recycled steam is around 7,391 metric tons, which has reduced fuel consumption at 857 KM3 relatively.
Lower the Water Consumption
The water intensity decreased from 65.70 (MT/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2021 to 52.54 (MT/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2022.
  • Completed the installation of rainwater recycling system in the WANG-TIEN FACTORY Area. The total annual recycling volume was 54 metric tons.
  • Recycle backwash discharge water from water treatment equipment. The annual total recycling volume was 229 metric tons.
  • Recycle discharge water from RO water purifier. The annual total recycling volume was 1,131 metric tons.
Promote the Establishment of Renewable Energy
  • The Company built a 98.82kw solar power system in WANG-TIEN FACTORY and a 943.975kw solar power system in BIOLOGICAL FACTORY, both of which operated stably in 2022. The annual sale volume for electricity reaches 1,406,889 kWh, which is equivalent to reducing around 716.1 tCO2e.
  • We are planning to install solar power facilities on the roof and in the warehouse area of the WANG-TIEN FACTORY to increase the area of solar power installation and increase the solar power generation capacity.
Promote Circular Economy
Industrial waste recycling rate - 44%
  • In 2022, we recycled approximately 211 metric tons of solvent, 906 metric tons of salt. The waste sulfuric acid generated from the process was treated and converted into 7.5% aluminum sulfate. 546 metric tons were generated for wastewater treatment.
  • We recycled and reused the filter residue and scraps generated in the procedures for seaweed fertilizer and bean amino acid fertilizer to serve as useful ingredients in granular fertilizers, which improve the yield and field biological effects of granular products.
  • Made use of the recycled scraps generated from the procedures to develop the granular fertilizer product.
  • Optimized our production scheduling, standardized the equipment washing procedure, and reduced the frequency of clearing and line swaps. We reduced waste solvent by 30% or more.

Energy Management

The Company is committed to the promotion of energy saving and waste reduction to increase various energy and resource usage rate. According to the stipulations of the “Energy Administration Act” by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), the Company set 1% as the goal for the annual electricity saving rate, promoting various energy saving action projects. The latest energy saving technologies and equipment is selected in the design phase to raise the energy use efficiency of the equipment and to save fuels.
The energy used by the production factory of the WANG-TIEN FACTORY Area is diesel fuel, natural gas, and externally purchased electricity. In pursuit of clean energy and improving fixed source pollution emissions, since 2016, all the heavy fuel oil has been replaced by natural gas; Diesel fuel is mainly used for emergency electricity generator, forklift, trucks and so on heavy transport equipment.

In response to the low carbon trend and government policies, we have already built the solar energy power system providing 98.82 kW for the WANG-TIEN FACTORY and 943.975 kW for the BIOLOGICAL FACTORY. The operations have been steady since 2022. The annual sale volume for electricity reaches 1,406,889 kWh, which is equivalent to reducing around 716.1 tCO2e.
In 2022, a total of 13 energy-saving and power-saving measures were implemented by WANG-TIEN FACTORY Area, which saved a total of 839,106 kWh of power throughout the year, and the annual power-saving rate reached 2.23%, equivalent to a reduction of 427 tCO2e. The internal energy consumption of the organization was approximately 309,131 GJ, and the energy intensity decreased from 28.6 (GJ/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2021 to 20.29 (GJ/ million Revenue of crop protection) in 2022.
Unit: GJ
Source of Energy Use 2020 2021 2022
Non-renewable Energy Use Diesel fuel 2,249.32 2,143.88 2,108.74
Natural gas 153,747.72 167,879.90 174,429.14
Purchased Energy Externally purchased energy 138,834.49 142,481.67 132,592.70
Energy for Sale Electricity for sale 5,290.00 5,144.57 5,062.32
A. Total energy consumption volume (GJ) 294,831.53 312,505.45 309,131.58
B. Sales for the crop protection products (NTD: million dollars) $10,123 $10,937 $15,230
C. Energy intensity (A/B) 29.1 28.6 20.29
Note1: Total energy consumption volume = Non-renewable energy use volume + purchased energy volume.
Note2: The data source for externally purchased energy, natural gas, and electricity for sale is based on the statistics of the energy bills; the diesel fuel data source is based on the verified statistics for the annual fuel purchase.
Note3: Energy consumption = Fuel usage volume x heat value of fuel (based on the announced transfer factor of the Bureau of Energy, MOEA: Electricity power 860 Kcal/KWh, natural gas 9,000 Kcal/m3, diesel fuel 8,400 Kcal/L, among which 1 Kcal is 4.184 KJ).

Energy Management Goal
Note1: The energy saving volume unit kWh is converted into the unit, GJ = Energy saving volume (kWh) x heat value of fuel (based on the announced transfer factor of the Bureau of Energy, MOEA: Electricity power 860 Kcal/KWh, among which 1 Kcal is 4.184 KJ).
Note2: The carbon reduction volume is calculated adopting the 2021 electricity carbon emission factor 0.509 kg CO2e/kWh announced by the Bureau of Energy, MOEA.
Note3: Annual electricity saving rate = Annual electricity saving volume/ (annual electricity volume + annual electricity uses volume) * 100%.