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GHG Management

Greenhouse Gases Emissions
In view of the increasingly serious global warming, the Company is well aware of the importance of GHG management. Therefore, Wang-Tien Factory began to conduct GHG inspections on its own in 2014 in order to understand the sources and characteristics of greenhouse gas emissions and perform energy-saving and carbon reduction management. In 2023, in response to the regulations of the “Sustainable Development Guidemap for TWSE- and TPEx-Listed Companies” issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission, the Company formulated the GHG inventory and external assurance plan, the parent company and the subsidiaries introduced the ISO14064-1 GHG inventory guidance, talent development and establishment of a carbon inventory system to improve the capacity of the Company's inventory and gradually establish a compliance management mechanism for carbon emissions.
Unit: tCO2e
Item / Year 2022 2023
Scope of information Parent company-Sinon Corporation
Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory, Zhangbin Plant
Parent company-Sinon Corporation
Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Wang-Tien 3rd Factory, Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory, Zhangbin Plant
Greenhouse gas inventory standards ISO 14064-1:2018 ISO 14064-1:2018
Scope 1  Direct emissions 12,737.7913 12,300.9931
Scope 2 Indirect energy emissions 22,959.3724 22,418.2116
Scope 3 Other indirect emissions 46,358.7681 39,561.2375
Total of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions 35,697.1637 34,719.2047
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions intensity (tCO2e/ NT$ million)
1.5492 1.8165
Assurance information Please refer to【GHG Verification Statement】 Please refer to【GHG Verification Opinon】
  1. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is calculated based on the values in the 6th Assessment Report of IPCC 2021. The GHG emission factor is announced by the Ministry of Environment. For Scope 2 energy indirect emissions, the calculation is based on the Electricity Carbon Emission Factor announced by the Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
  2. The Company conducts a significant assessment of indirect emissions. Items categorized under Scope 3 include “Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions” (covering indirect emissions generated by domestic land transportation of main raw materials purchased for designated products) and “Use of Products Greenhouse Gas Emissions” (covering indirect emissions generated by main raw materials used for designated products and indirect power carbon footprints of externally purchased energy). Other undisclosed categories are considered insignificant emissions.
  3. The scope of information and assurance in 2022 covers the sites with operational control other than public facilities or factories (including employee dormitories and warehouses).
  4. The information for 2023 covers the sites with operational control other than public facilities or factories (including employee dormitories, warehouses, and experimental farms). Wang-Tien 3rd Factory was originally included in the Wang-Tien Factory. It was approved by the competent authority on November 7, 2023 and therefore it is listed separately.
GHG Reduction Targets
Unit: tCO2e
Item / Year Base Year 2022 2023
Scope of information Parent company-Sinon Corporation
Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Wang-Tien 3rd Factory,
Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory, Zhangbin Plant
Scope 1 + Scope 2 GHG emissions 35,697.1637 34,719.2047
% Change from Base year --- -2.74%
  1. In accordance with the “Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies”, the company, being a listed company with a paid-in capital below NT$5 billion as of the end of the most recent fiscal year, is required to disclose greenhouse gas reduction targets, strategies, and specific action plans for the Company (including subsidiaries in consolidated financial statements) starting from the year 2027. The GHG reduction base year shall be the fiscal year in which the greenhouse gas inventory is completed based on the consolidated financial reporting boundary.
  2. Wang-Tien Factory has independently conducted GHG inventory since 2015. Originally, 2020 was used as the base year for GHG emission comparison. After considering the change in the basis for calculation of emissions, the base year was adjusted to 2022. The scope covers the parent company’s Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Wang-Tien 3rd Factory, Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory and Zhangbin Plant, and includes the sites (employee dormitories, warehouses, experimental farms) where the Company has operational control rights. It also sets a target year of 2026 to achieve a 2% reduction in Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions compared with the base year of 2022. After the GHG inventory of the consolidated financial reporting boundary is completed in 2027, the emissions at the consolidated financial reporting boundary will be used as the comparison benchmark.

Energy Management
The Company's main energy consumption is electricity and natural gas, while gasoline and diesel are used for emergency generators, forklifts, official vehicles and other transportation equipment. Renewable energy and self-generated energy are not used. In response to the low-carbon trend and government policies, the Company aims to achieve an annual electricity saving rate of 1%. We have been promoting various energy-saving projects and actions and selecting the latest energy-saving technologies and equipment from the design stage to enhance the energy efficiency of equipment and save fuel. In addition, Wang-Tien Factory, Biological Factory, and Zhangbin Plant have installed 98.82 kW, 943.975 kW, and 470.64 kW of solar photovoltaic power generation equipment, respectively. They were in stable operation in 2023, and annual wholesale electricity was 1,803,523 kWh, which was equivalent to a reduction of approximately 891 tCO2e. In 2023, a total of 699,443 kWh of electricity was saved, with an electricity saving rate of 1.52%, achieving the annual electricity saving target.
Item / Year 2022 2023
Scope of information Parent company-Sinon Corporation
Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory, Zhangbin
Parent company-Sinon Corporation
Wang-Tien Factory, Wang-Tien 2nd Factory, Wang-Tien 3rd Factory, Biological Factory, Da-Du Factory, Zhangbin Plant
Direct energy Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 178,085.8147 162,895.7916
Direct energy Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) 14.2250 19.8288
Direct energy Diesel fuel 2,292.3953 2,045.0122
Direct energy Motor Gasoline 660.3936 647.7628
Indirect energy Electricity 167,007.3094 163,400.9892
Electricity sold 6,637.8990 6,493.8515
Energy consumption within the organization 348,060.1380 329,009.3846
Energy intensity (GJ/ NT$ million) 15.1048 17.2139
  1. Total energy consumption within the organization: consumption of non-renewable fuel (direct energy) + imported energy (indirect energy).
  2. Energy consumption = fuel consumption x heating value (according to the heat content of energy products announced by the Bureau of Energy).Unit conversion factor: 1 kcal = 4.1868 x 10-9 TJ
  3. Assurance information on energy consumption: Please refer to Sustainability Report
Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Promotion
Energy and carbon emission management
  • Optimize the management system and avoid unnecessary equipment operation.
  • The hot gas generated by the incineration in the factory is recovered as steam for reuse. About 9,568 metric tons of steam was recycled from the waste heat in 2023, which reduced the fuel consumption by 1,060 KM3.
  • Assess the energy consumption of equipment and plan for the replacement of old equipment. NT$13.55 million were invested in energy-saving or related environmental protection and sustainability machinery and equipment during the year, conserving 7,101 gigajoules (GJ) of energy, and approximately 576 tCO2e. Please refer to 2023 Invest in Energy-Saving or Environmentally Sustainable Machinery and Equipment
  • Solar-energy power systems generate 1,803,523 kWh of electricity, which is equivalent to reducing 891 tCO2e.
Water resource management
  • Regular meetings are held to analyze and review water use within the factory, and improvement plans are implemented (conservation of water in the total water treatment unit, process water consumption, and alkali water treatment for total water treatment and salt reduction). The Company continues to standardize related water consumption operations to improve water use efficiency.
  • Rainwater and water discharged from equipment are recycled and reused for watering plants or cleaning production equipment. A total of 7,068 metric tons of water was recycled in the year
Waste management and renewable materials
  • By-products from the production process are recycled and reused or treated and sold to reduce raw material purchase. In 2023, approximately 194 metric tons of solvents were recycled; 597 metric tons of salts were recycled, and the waste sulfuric acid was converted into 7.5% aluminum sulfate, yielding 715 metric tons of output for reuse.
  • The scrap generated during the production of seaweed fertilizer and soybean amino acid fertilizer are recycled and used as useful ingredients in granular fertilizers, with 10.9 metric tons recycled throughout the year.
  • Development of the granular fertilizer product “Waller Fertilize (沃樂肥)” from scrap generated during manufacturing process.
  • Packaging materials are reduced in number without compromising quality. Bulk space bags or ISO tanks are used for raw materials and finished goods for import and export, and bulk chemical containers (e.g., iron drums, IBC barrels, ISO tanks) are reused to reduce the waste of resources.
  • Optimize the cleaning procedures to reduce the output of waste.