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Career Development

The Nurturing of New Recruits/Mentor System

The Company has established the guidance method for new recruits. Through the mentor system and educational trainings for the newly recruited employees, they can become familiar with the environment quicker and develop a sense of identity with the company. In terms of professional knowledge, we make plans for a comprehensive foundation course. The courses are designed in a dual track structure for depth and breadth, out of the framework of the job position. This is to assist employees to form understanding and confidence to their work soon, blending with the department team, getting to know the Sinon big family and to create a harmonious workplace together.

Mentor System
Since the first day of reporting to work, every recruit will be assigned a dedicated mentor out of the job hierarchy framework. Through the passing on of the experiences of the mentor, the employee can blend into the work environment quickly and elevate one's work techniques. This will further satisfy the needs for self-realization and concurrently increase the organization competitiveness and enhance the overall organization performance. In the 60-day mentor plan, the mentor will provide dedicated guidance and care under the weekly plan execution to bring the distance closer between the officer and recruit, and to assist the new partner in resolving problems in work or life enabling a steady development and to lower the turnover rate. Lastly, the plan will end with a project report and reflections to provide new employees an opportunity to perform. This can also be a good timing for the manager to acknowledge the employee and to boost their confidence.
The mentor system is the best case for teaching and learning. Through the foundational teachings, it can enrich the mentor's own power and on the other hand, it can satisfy one's sense of achievement, connections of human relationships and so on intrinsic motivations. This helps to lower the sense of stagnation in the career of the senior personnel. This shows the company values the spirit of every talent.

Educational Trainings for New Employees
Internal lecturers will guide the new employees in a way that is simple to understand for them to quickly learn about the company's core values, organization structure, welfare measures, basic safety and health/fire prevention awareness, the company's internal management policy advocacy, such as human rights policy and so on common core courses. Using a soft course design method to enable the new personnel to learn the different aspects of knowledge, reducing the insecurity and anxiety of the new personnel that arise from facing the new environment.

On-The-Job Trainings for Employees/Diverse Learning Development Opportunities

The Company provides a complete and continuous on-the-job training. Established the educational training regulation, the procedures for human resource management, and regulations on subsidies for graduate research studies, enabling employees to have diverse learning channels and in concert with the group business departments transfer system for learning by practice. Upholding the talent utilization philosophy of “Placing the right person in the right place” and “Develop talents to their full potential,” through the implementation of a complete internal organization and personnel system, enable the tentacle of knowledge and broader disciplines.
On the educational training system, comply with the connotation stage of the Workforce Development Agency of MOL, drafted the Talent Quality-management System (TTQS) to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the training procedures.
Sinon as a happiness corporate which takes on a people-centered perspective helps Sinon personnel in seeking for a happiness work life jointly create the career development happiness blueprint. Time is used on thinking about problems and solidifying one's capability. In the face of a huge change in the times, Sinon personnel takes a proactive approach in overcoming the challenge and learn for life.
Diverse Learning Development Opportunities
Combining the performance appraisal system, every employee formulates individual learning growth performance index based on their career development each year. Through the setting of self-goals, promote the refining of work efficiency and employee self-learning. Every department will formulate the annual training plan based on the management strategies. Through internal lecturers or by inviting government officials, or academic experts for lectures, the scope of the courses covers four major core areas, namely, new employee trainings, professional trainings, management and leadership trainings for different levels, and self-development. The courses are to be tailor-made that are timely and most suitable for Sinon personnel, assisting employees to exhibit core values and to achieve the company vision and strategies.
In addition, depending on the employees' work and development needs, they can apply for external training through the recommendation of the human resources department, assignment by the department, or individual application, and attend courses held by external professional organizations to enhance their personal capabilities.
To ensure the effectiveness of the trainings, result evaluation will be conducted through tests, lecturer evaluation, reflections report, obtaining of licenses and so on methods based on the nature of the course. The evaluation results will become a reference basis for future training plans and adjustments.

Highlights of courses and training for the year
Due to the impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the external training and classes taught by external instructors were suspended and are taught by internal instructors instead. As a result, the training funds and training hours spent in 2022 decreased as compared to previous years. The amount of funds spent was approximately NTD 1.39 million and the annual training hours per person were approximately 11 hours. However, the number of training participants remained the same as before the pandemic, with a total of 13,472 training participants.
Under the principle of gender equality, the Company aims to provide professional training for all positions and duties, and to implement equal education and training.
However, most on-site operators in the chemical industry are male, and the overall course categories are mostly focused on on-site safety and environmental and safety and health courses, so the average number of training hours for males is higher than that for females.

Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, the Company has taken its digital learning efforts a step further. In 2022, the Company will establish the “Sinon Online Digital Learning Platform” so that employees will no longer be limited by geographic location. We will adopt a hybrid learning model of online and physical learning in the future, increasing the flexibility of employees to freely deploy their class time. In addition, in response to the government's trend of promoting corporate governance, the Company have increased the number of corporate governance-related courses offered in recent years, such as ethical management and legal compliance, information security, etc., to help employees strengthen and enhance their professional knowledge. In addition to the Company's own education and training, the Company also offers courses from external organizations to enhance the scope of training so that employees can broaden their horizons, thus maximizing the benefits of education and training.


Industry-Academia Collaboration

The Company has been exchanging with the academia for a long time, exchanging new science knowledge and industry dynamics. Cultivating technologies through project collaborations, seminars and so on methods. Examples are inviting agricultural committee member or academic processor to provide employee educational trainings on the crop protection topic and collaborate with universities and colleges on the design of internship activities, and we are also invited to the schools giving keynote speech. Through collaborations, it can enhance the employees’ professional knowledge, various ideas can be created during the opinion exchanges. The teachers introduce the industrial information into courses or research projects constructing a  comprehensive knowledge blueprint.
Since 2006, the internship activities had begun. Recruitments are mainly targeted at students at the universities and colleges in the central part in agricultural studies, chemicals, and management departments. To deepen the breadth and depth of the internship contents, since 2014, organized the academic term (annual) internships. An accumulative of 8 academic terms (annual) of internship activities have been organized up till 2022, for a total of 62 persons, with retention rate of 34%. A total of 20 persons retained.
To attract talents, the internship period of the retained personnel can be combined into the number of service years during tenure. This can attract talents for employment after graduation and lower the sense of panic for the future after graduation. The interns mainly come from the central part. This also increase local employment opportunities. The youths who are studying out of city can feel secure to return. They can continue to thrive at where they grew up. Thus, retains local talents.