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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders' Issues of Concerns and Communication Channels
Maintaining good communications with stakeholders is a key to corporate sustainable management. The Company lists 13 categories of stakeholder groups from its daily operation activities, mail correspondences, official letters and so on channels. Based on the AA1000 SES Stakeholder Engagement Standards, we conducted prioritization of the stakeholder groups based on the five principles in reliability, responsibility, urgency, influence, and diversity, and have identified eight concerned parties. They are the customers, farmers, employees, suppliers, end consumers, shareholders/investors, local communities, and government agencies. By building a good communication channel with various stakeholders, we can adopt diverse opinions to further understand the thoughts and appeals of the stakeholders. They can become major basis for the company’s review of its operation strategies and material issues.
To understand the appeals and expectations of the stakeholders towards the Company, the Company has reviewed the topics of concern to the stakeholders through various communication methods every year. We have also constructed a systematic identification process based on the GRI Standards guide to understand the level of concern of the issues and the impacts of the issues to the Company's operations. All of these form important references for the drafting of the Company' s operation strategies.

Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Questionnaire survey / yearly
  • Customer interview and meeting visits / as needed
  • Service phone/mailbox, mops, corporate website / instant
Contact Person
  • Crop Protection Division and Chemical Division
  • Consumer mailbox:
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Product quality and responsibilities, Service Satisfaction level, Product R&D and innovation, Corporate integrity and sustainable development
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Convened 4 quality meetings (inclusive of 1 management review meeting) to review the product quality issues and improvement measures.
  • Conducted the annual customer satisfaction survey, and the average satisfaction reached the target value.
  • Developed environmentally friendly products, such as Bacillus velezensis N17  "貝兒樂" , which has dual functions of promoting crop growth and antagonizing harmful plant pathogens. It will soon obtain a microbial pesticide certificate to prevent and control gray mold of the Solanaceae family.
  • Newly added scope of application for microbial pesticide products have been registered for use, such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CL3“神真水 3 號” (expanded from vegetables and strawberries to
  • grapes), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST713 “SERENADE( 無界限)” (expanded from vegetables to strawberries), and Bacillus subtilis Y1336 viable spores of Bacillus subtilis Y1336 “興農寶 ” (expanded to rice).
  • Continuous educational trainings for employees on corporate ethical management and optimization of management mechanism.

Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Forum, observation tour, questionnaire survey / as needed
  • Service phone/mailbox, MOPS, corporate website / instant
Contact Person
  • Crop Protection Division
  • Consumer mailbox:
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Product quality and responsibilities, Service Satisfaction level, Crop insect pests' prevention and solutions
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • There are around 263 Sinon Supply Centers throughout Taiwan with professional plant doctors on the ground to provide services to the farmers. Communications channel such as the consumer mailbox is available for product inquiries and plant diseases and pests prevention consultation. There were a total of inquiries from 350 people.
  • Continued to conduct field experiments and field demonstrations in counties and cities across Taiwan to test the efficacy of plant protection formulations and assist farmers in confirming pests and diseases and conduct soil health checks.
  • At various farmer workshops (demonstration fields, observation meetings, etc.). Farmer satisfaction is excellent, with no negative reviews.
  • In response to extreme climate change and changes in farming patterns, we have developed diversified products for use in stress-resistant cultivation; in response to the aging labor structure, we have developed slow-release fertilizers to save labor costs.
  • Promoted new knowledge on agriculture by combining lively images, texts, and videos through various social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube.

Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Labor-management conferences, employee welfare and committee meetings, health, and safety committee meetings / quarterly
  • Employee opinion box, complaint mailbox and telephone, corporate website, email, educational trainings from / as needed
Contact Person
  • Management Division and Construction & HSE management Division
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
  • Sexual harassment appeal mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Employee rights, Labor-management relations, Talent cultivation system, Business results, Occupational health and safety
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Convened 5 labor-management conferences and health and safety committee meetings (inclusive of 1 management review meeting) to discuss and study on the issues and suggestions relating to labor rights and health and safety.
  • Continued to promote work-life balance, review employee salary levels based on the labor market, maintain workplace diversity (gender equality), protect human rights, and optimize various welfare and family care support measures.
  • The Employee Welfare Committee regularly meets to oversee the implementation of activities and protect the employees' rights and interests.

Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Supplier evaluation and audit / yearly
  • Supplier visits / as needed
  • Corporate website, service telephone / instant
Contact Person
  • Supply Chain Department
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Supplier management, Product quality and responsibilities, Business results, Corporate integrity and sustainable development
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Visited 19 suppliers of crop protection materials and held 9 video conferences.
  • 12 crop protection material suppliers and 52 plastic material suppliers are evaluated annually, and all of them are excellent or qualified suppliers.
  • 12 new crop protection material suppliers signed the Company's “Supplier Code of Conduct Commitment”.
  • 20 new crop protection material suppliers signed the Company's “Declaration of Non-use of Conflict Minerals”.

Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Corporate website, service telephone / instant
Contact Person
  • Consumer mailbox:
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Product quality and responsibilities
  • Food safety
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Continued to develop environmentally products and integrating pest management strategies. Promote the rational use of pesticide and fertilizers to achieve crop safety and food safety.
  • Accepted magazine interview to introduce to the public on the agricultural model and transformation promoting sustainable agriculture.

Shareholders / Investors
Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Shareholders meeting, investor conference, publish annual report, financial statements, sustainability report / annual
  • Corporate website, mops, spokesperson hotline and mailbox / instant
Contact Person
  • Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson
  • Investors mailbox: :
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Business results, Corporate governance, Risk management
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Reported sustainability management and risk management issues to the Board of Directors on a regular basis.
  • Continued to enhance information transparency so that the investing public can ob-tain more adequate, more current, and more accurate information.
  • Organized 4 investor conferences (once every quarter) to increase exchanges with investors.

Local Community
Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Visits to community residents and participations of community activities / as needed
  • Corporate website, telephone, mops / instant
Contact Person
  • Legal Affairs Office and Construction & HSE management Department
  • Complaints on unethical behavior mailbox:
Issues of Concern
  • Pollution source management
  • Environmental management policy
  • Community participation and social welfare
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • Employees are encouraged to report the status of flue emissions immediately, and dedicated personnel use detectors to monitor odors around the plant from time to time. If there is an abnormality, the process will be immediately halted to find out the cause before production resumes. The annual inspection of each duct is conducted in compliance with the regulations.
  • Neighboring communities maintain good neighborly relations, including public road sweeping, greening and beautification around Wang-Tien Factory area, local community seniors sharing meals and care from senior citizens' associations, and community safety joint prevention.
  • Combine social welfare organizations to help disadvantaged groups, donate to campus scholarships and education savings account funds, and provide resources to support cultural and art activities.

Government Agencies
Communication Channel and Frequency
  • Policy promotion and official letters, in line with reviews and audits, business related forums, significant information / as needed
Contact Person
  • Each business unit
  • Chief Corporate Governance Officer
  • Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson
Issues of Concern
  • Environmental compliance, Transparency in information disclosure, Energy saving, carbon reduction, and energy management, Sustainable agriculture and smart agriculture, Corporate governance
Major Actions and Responses in the Year
  • In response to the government’s implementation of the “real-name” system for the purchase of pesticides and fertilizers, we implemented production and marketing flow control, provided farmers with guidance on the correct use of pesticides, and rationalized fertilization to create a friendly agricultural environment and achieve sustainable agricultural development.
  • In response to the workplace health promotion activities by the Health Bureau of Taichung City Government, arrange the cancer screening and mammography tour vehicle service in the company health checkup schedule.
  • Each business unit of the Group has established a “compliance officer” who is convened by senior executives to hold a compliance meeting every week to ensure the control and implementation of legal compliance in each business unit.