Nominating Committee
Composition of Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of at least 3 directors selected by the board of directors from among themselves; a majority of the Committee members shall be independent directors. The term of the members shall end at the same time as that of the board of directors that appointed the members. The convener and meeting chair shall be elected by and from among the entire members of the Committee.
The Company re-elected all of its directors at the May 30, 2023 regular shareholders' meeting. The Board of Directors resolved to select Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang, Vice Chairman, Liao, Lien-Heng, Independent Directors Chen, Chiun Mang, Huang, Shen-Yi, and Huang, Chin-Lin as the members of the Nominating Committee on June 27. All members of the Nominating Committee elected Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang to serve as the Convener.
The current term of the committee members: June 27, 2023 to May 29, 2026.
Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang, and Vice Chairman, Liao, Lien-Heng, possess expertise in business management, leadership, and decision-making, as well as years of experience in the industry. Independent Directors Chen, Chiun Mang, Huang, Shen-Yi, and Huang, Chin-Lin also have professional skills in business management, leadership, and decision-making, and are familiar with corporate governance and the laws and regulations of securities, which may contribute to the operation and decision-making of the Committee.
Powers of Nominating Committee
Accroding to the Nominating Committee Charter of the Company, the powers of the Committee are as follows:
Nominating Committee Meeting Status
Meetings of the Nominating Committee shall be held at least 1 times a year. A total of 2 meetings have been held in 2024, attendance rate of the members is 100%.
This year's work focuses on the following major matters:
The discussion items in 2024 were as follows:
Members of Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be composed of at least 3 directors selected by the board of directors from among themselves; a majority of the Committee members shall be independent directors. The term of the members shall end at the same time as that of the board of directors that appointed the members. The convener and meeting chair shall be elected by and from among the entire members of the Committee.
The Company re-elected all of its directors at the May 30, 2023 regular shareholders' meeting. The Board of Directors resolved to select Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang, Vice Chairman, Liao, Lien-Heng, Independent Directors Chen, Chiun Mang, Huang, Shen-Yi, and Huang, Chin-Lin as the members of the Nominating Committee on June 27. All members of the Nominating Committee elected Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang to serve as the Convener.
The current term of the committee members: June 27, 2023 to May 29, 2026.
Chairman, Yen, Tsu-Fang, and Vice Chairman, Liao, Lien-Heng, possess expertise in business management, leadership, and decision-making, as well as years of experience in the industry. Independent Directors Chen, Chiun Mang, Huang, Shen-Yi, and Huang, Chin-Lin also have professional skills in business management, leadership, and decision-making, and are familiar with corporate governance and the laws and regulations of securities, which may contribute to the operation and decision-making of the Committee.
Powers of Nominating Committee
Accroding to the Nominating Committee Charter of the Company, the powers of the Committee are as follows:
- Nominate the candidates of directors of the Company and review their qualifications.
- Build up and develop the organizational frameworks of the board of directors and functional committees; and evaluate the independency of the independent directors.
- Plan and conduct the continuing education for the directors, the performance evaluation of the board of directors and each functional committee.
- Other matters assigned by the board of directors.
Nominating Committee Meeting Status
Meetings of the Nominating Committee shall be held at least 1 times a year. A total of 2 meetings have been held in 2024, attendance rate of the members is 100%.
This year's work focuses on the following major matters:
- Evaluate the performance of the board of directors and review the performance of Nominating Committee.
- Review the Independent Directors' qualifications and independence during their term of office.
- Plan the 2025 continuing education for the directors and performance evaluation of the board of directors and each functional committee.
The discussion items in 2024 were as follows:
Date of the Meeting | Important Proposals and Resolutions | The Company's handling of Nominating Committee's opinion. |
2024/02/23 | Reported on the performance evaluation of the board of directors and each functional committee of 2023 internal self-assessments results. | The performance evaluation plan will be submitted to the board of directors after the review is approved. |
2024/11/08 | Approved the plan of the continuing education in the year 2024 for the directors, the performance evaluation of the board of directors and each functional committee. | Approved without any objections or opinions and reported to the board for implementation. |
Members of Nominating Committee
Convener / Yen, Tsu-Fang
Professional Qualification and ExperienceChairman Yen, Tsu-Fang graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian College of Science and Engineering (Chung Yuan Christian University) and has been working for the Company since 1977. He started his career as a junior staff member, and then promoted to the positions of junior supervisor, mid-level supervisor, senior supervisor and Vice General Manager. He also worked in various operating units and was twice appointed as the General Manager in overseas branches to establish a global operation system, open up a new market, thus establishing our worldwide business base.
He has been the General Manager of the Company since July 2018 and is well familiar with the sales business, production technology, operations and management, human resources and other areas of the Company and its affiliates.
He was elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors in May 2023 after the re-election of directors at the Company's shareholders' meeting. He leads the Group's operations and oversees various operating systems. He has practical experience in corporate management and possesses the core competencies of the Board of Directors in the areas of business management, leadership and decision-making, industry knowledge and global market perspectives.
Does not meet any descriptions stated in Article 30 of the Company Act. -
Current Positions at the Company or Other CompaniesChairman / Taiwan Fresh Supermarket Co., Ltd.
Chairman / Yumei Biotec Corporation
Chairman / Syntai Chemicals Ltd.
Chairman / Hsing Wei Corporation
Chairman / Sinon Trading Co., Ltd.
Director / Knowledge & Service Information Co., Ltd.
Director /Sinon Cayman Corporation
Legal representative / Sinon Hong Kong Co., Ltd.
Legal representative / Sinon Chemical (China) Co., Ltd.
Director / Sinon Australia Pty Limited
Director / Sinon (Thailand) Co., Ltd
Director / Sinon USA, Inc.
Member / Liao, Lien-Heng
Professional Qualification and ExperienceVice-chairman Liao, Lien-Heng graduated from the Department of International Business, Feng Chia University, and has been serving the Company since 1972, where his career started as a junior staff, followed by experiences as a grass-root manager, mid-level management, department head, and finally promoted to be the general manager of the business division; who has also been rotated to serve in different division within the Group, therefore, has a deep understanding of the Company and its associates’ sectors of production technology, distributing business, and internal management, etc. He has served as the Chairman of the Taiwan Crop Protection Industry Association and is still dedicated to the development of the crop protection industry. He was elected as a director since 2004 and participated in operational strategic planning, with experiences needed for corporate business, he has acquired core capability of business management, decision leadership, industry knowledge, and international market view as required by a board of directors.
Does not meet any descriptions stated in Article 30 of the Company Act. -
Current Positions at the Company or Other CompaniesVice chairman / Sinon Corporation
Committee Member / Nominating Committee of Sinon Corporation
Director / Taiwan Fresh Supermarket Co., Ltd.
Director/ Yumei Biotec Corporation
Director/ Sinon Trading Co., Ltd.
Director/ Elon Electronics Corp.
Independent Director / Sweeten Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Member / Chen, Chiun Mang
Professional Qualification and ExperienceIndependent Director Chen, Chiun Mang is the CPA of Tsuna Jih Accounting Firm. She received a master's degree in Accounting from the University of North Texas, has been serving KPMG in Taiwan since 1988, and used to teach in the Department of Accounting at Tunghai University.
With almost 30 years of working experience in CPA firms, she has practical experiences and professional and technical qualifications that required certification for a national accountant qualification examination, and core capability of financial accounting, decision leadership, and industry knowledgeA as required by a board of directors.
Does not meet any descriptions stated in Article 30 of the Company Act. -
Current Positions at the Company or Other CompaniesIndependent Director and committee member of Audit Committee(convener), Remuneration Committee(convener), and committee member of Nominating Committee / Sinon Corporation
Independent Director, committee member of Audit Committee and convener of Risk Management Committee(convener) / Mingtai Insurance Co.,Ltd.
Member / Huang, Shen-Yi
Professional Qualification and ExperienceIndependent Director Huang, Shen-Yi is Director of Taichung Office of the CROWE (TW) CPAs. He received his master's degree in Management Sciences from Tamkang University and used to work for Pan-China (TW) CPAs, and KPMG in Taiwan. He has also taught at the Department of Accounting of National Taichung Institute of Technology (now National Taichung University of Science and Technology) and at Department of Accounting and Information Systems of Asia University.
With almost 30 years of working experience in CPA firms, he has practical experiences and professional and technical qualifications that required certification for a national accountant qualification examination, and core capability of business management, and financial accounting as required by a board of directors.
Does not meet any descriptions stated in Article 30 of the Company Act. -
Current Positions at the Company or Other CompaniesIndependent Director and committee member of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Nominating Committee / Sinon Corporation
Director of Taichung Office / Crowe (TW) CPAs
Independent Director and committee member of Audit Committee, and Remuneration Committee / Nien Made Enterprise, CO., LTD.
Independent Director and committee member of Audit Committee, and Remuneration Committee / LNC Technology Co., LTD.
Member / Huang, Chin-Lin
Professional Qualification and ExperienceIndependent Director Huang, Chin-Lin is currently the Chairman and General Manager of Yieh Chen Machinery Co. Graduated from Tamkang University, Department of Cooperative Economics (now Department of Industrial Economics) and Chang Hwa Normal University, Department of Accounting, Master of Business Administration program. Since 1989, he has served as the General Manager of Six Star Gears Co., Ltd. - Yieh Chen Machinery Co., Ltd. He has been leading the company to become the best gear and machine manufacturer worldwide, and was honored with the "Outstanding General Manager Award in the Central Taiwan" by the Association of Enterprise Managers of Taichung City, Taiwan.
Academically, he was a part-time lecturer at National Changhua Normal University, President of Changhua Normal University Distinguished Alumni Association, Chairman of EMBA Association of Changhua Normal University, and recipient of the "Tamkang Elite 35th Golden Eagle Award" from Tamkang University.
Independent Director Huang, Chin-Lin has extensive experience in business management and is fully qualified with the necessary business, financial and accounting experience or working experience required for the company's business. He possesses experience in business management, financial accounting, leadership and decision-making, and global market perspective, which are in line with the core competencies of the Board of Directors.
Does not meet any descriptions stated in Article 30 of the Company Act. -
Current Positions at the Company or Other CompaniesIndependent Director and committee member of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Nominating Committee / Sinon Corporation
Chairman and General Manager / Yieh Chen Machinery Co., Ltd.